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Join in learning with your life partner to engage in a much deeper understanding of what each others strengths and needs are. You will both learn about yourselves and then spend one on one time with our Couples Coach as a couple in a discovery experience of self-awareness and communication improvements to handle stress and everyday life activities using our Birkman Method. 


What will this help us with:

  • Communication
  • Dealing with Stress
  • What we need from each other
  • How to support your partner during stressful times
  • Learning what you need from your life partner to be happy and fullfilled
  • How to support each other in recharging your energy

Couples Coaching

  • 2 Birkman personality assessments.

    Couples assessment comparision and coaching session. 

    Birkman Signature Series Report for each person. 

  • Once you both complete your assessment, I will contact you to set up an 1 hour coaching session to go over your results and look for your strengths as a couple and your challenges to be aware of with simple steps to help with those challenges. 

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