The Birkman Method reports on both behavioral and occupational data and leverages a unique methodology for assessing personality through positive psychology. “Positive Psychology” has become a popular term of late in “pop” psychology. Positive Psychology is the scientific study of the strengths and virtues that enable individuals and communities to thrive. The goal of positive psychology is to help people live and flourish rather than merely exist and is a “view within scientific psychology that aims to achieve a balanced and empirically grounded body of research on human nature and social relations” (Keyes & Haidt, 2003, p. 3). In 1951, Roger Birkman started down a proactive, positive path with the development of his assessment, The Birkman Method, as a true humanistic psychological assessment. (
The Birkman Method reveals four key perspectives of every person:
- Motivation
- Self-Perception
- Social Perception
- Mindset
In understanding these perceptions and how they influence each other, individuals can better understand the emotions and actions that drive their life.
Birkman Personality Assessment
- Birkman Signature Series Report emailed to you.
- The option is also available if you would like our Birkman Coach to review your results with you in a virtual setting to provide tips and insights into your personal report.