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Leadership is defined in people skills

You will not succeed no matter how good you are at your job if your people skills suck!

They are often called Soft Skills, but they better be hardwired in your brain and under constant development or you are going to continue to loose people.

Let's be honest, leadership is all about people skills more than actual job skills. Being an effective leader requires a strong combination of both hard and soft skills, but it's been observed that most leaders fail to succeed due to their lack of people skills. This blog aims to explain why leaders fail mostly from people skills and not actual job skills, backed by two studies that highlight the significance of people skills in leadership.

According to a study conducted by the Center for Creative Leadership, people skills ranked as the most important skill set required for effective leadership. The study surveyed over 2,000 managers and executives worldwide, and it was found that 75% of the respondents claimed that the lack of people skills was the most significant reason for leadership failure.

Another study conducted by Harvard Business Review identified that a lack of interpersonal skills was the primary reason for leadership failure. The study involved analyzing exit interviews of over 1,000 executives who left their positions either voluntarily or involuntarily. The interviews revealed that over 80% of the executives who failed in their roles had trouble with interpersonal skills.

One of the reasons why people skills are more critical than actual job skills is that leadership requires human interaction, effective communication, and relationship building. In other words, no matter how competent or knowledgeable a leader is, they must connect with and inspire their team to achieve their shared goals.

Leaders must also display empathy, active listening, and flexibility, which are all people skills. These traits are essential to help a leader understand the individual needs and concerns of their team members and respond appropriately. Leaders who lack these crucial people skills are likely to face misunderstandings, conflicts, and other issues that hinder their effectiveness in leading their team.

Moreover, people skills help a leader to build a culture of trust and motivation within their team. Leaders who foster relationships with their team members and provide support when required are more likely to receive loyalty and cooperation from their team members.

One of my favorite videos from Simon Sinek on Leader versus Manager

IN conclusion

Developing people skills is essential for leaders to succeed in their leadership roles. Although job skills are essential, they only make a leader effective in their specific field. On the other hand, people skills are essential in every aspect of leadership, from managing the team to developing a positive workplace culture. Leaders who invest in developing their people skills are more likely to help their team members achieve their full potential and drive success for the organization.

Author: Eddy Schedule

Retired Navy Chief with service that includes shore and ship-based deployments around the

world and over 30 years of professional experience in Leadership and Professional Development Coaching. Since leaving the military, Chief has coached and led people development projects in numerous industries including global supply chain manufacturing, online gaming servers, corporate university management, petrochemical, healthcare operations, aerospace (NASA space training programs). He has led global training and competency projects for major corporations which include Marathon Oil, BP, Chevron, Kuwaiti Oil Company, Delta Subsea, Schwan’s Global Supply chain and many other Fortune 500s.

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